Monday, December 7, 2009

Thoughts From A Loving...Sister!

Before I move on to my main post, first things first...Dad's surgery was a success from the doctor's point of view (sounds good to me, too)...he has a long recovery ahead of him, but it looks like his will to live, his surgeons, our prayers and God pulled him through today.


Today was a very big day! It began with EXTREME anxiety, panic, and nerves. I dropped my children off, with a dear friend, in the dark of morning. I commuted north bound...destination: Fairfax Hospital...purpose: Dad's Big Day!

En route to Fairfax, about 10am, I received a call from my father's surgeon asking me to give consent for my father's surgery, yeah, the one I was on my way to, that wasn't supposed to begin until 1pm. He explained that he was calling me as he couldn't get a hold of my sister and wanted to take Dad in the O.R. now. At first, I wasn't concerned that he couldn't reach her as I had just got off the phone with her and I knew we were both on our way to the hospital. But, after I gave consent, I tried, over and over again, to get a hold of my sister. She didn't answer. Of course, I begin to worry about my sissy...It is rare she won't answer calls...especially from the hospital...well, after 5 minutes of painstaking worry, my sissy called. All I can say is in that 5 minutes, I thought the worst. That something happened to her. That in that moment, I could possibly be without a father...and a sister.

Now, I have posted about how important my father is to me. He has been here for me throughout my entire life and I love him very much. What I haven't said is that the same is true about my sister. In the past 10 days, she has been a rock for me. She has taken the lead. She has calmed me, hugged me, loved me, put up with me and has even let me use her parking pass at the hospital. What more could you ask for in a big sister? Although, she did monopolize the $4 People magazine I bought at the gift store today (Yeah, it's hard to compete with Tiger Woods). Just joking, Sissy!

But, I wanted to write a post, just for her, so that she knows how important she is to me...

Sissy, I couldn't imagine having gone through this all without you. You have been strong, intelligent, resilient, brave, hopeful, protective, nurturing, have been the best big sister I could have ever asked for. I hope you really do forgive me for peeing in your Barbie pool...If I could go back in time, I promise, I would change that one thing.

I know we still have a long journey to get Dad better, thank God, but I am so grateful I have you to share it with.

I love you, Sissy!


Momof3inVA December 12, 2009 at 8:53 AM  

My sister can't leave a comment, so I thought I would poster he beautiful response...Love you sissy!

Dear Sissy-
Thank you so much for that lovely blog about me. I am crying my eyes out!!!! Once again, I tried to reply and it wouldn't let me,,,,,,,confused!!!
So, I thought I would tell you what I was trying to write on the blog. Having you in my life to love, protect, and care for-------doing THAT made me a better person-----I can't imagine what a "self-centered" brat I could have ended up to be.
In other words, I am glad our parents didn't "take you back to the hospital",,,,,,,as I requested in the middle of the night back in 1979. Sorry sissy!!!!
Throughout all this "stuff" with Daddy, I am glad we have each other to laugh, cry, talk, and worry together,,,,,,,I forgive you for peeing in my Barbie pool. It was all worth it!!!!!
I am sooooooo glad you were born and I love you very, very much!!!!!!!!

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