Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Updates and things...

It's been forever, FOREVER...well, not forever, literally....but, a very loooong time since I've written anything.  Before I'm crucified (as if there's anyone reading this), there's a couple VERY good reasons for me not writing.

Since August 2012, I've been back in school...first, I did a 2 semester stint at U Mary Washington to finish my Bachelors in Business....then, I joined VCU in Richmond to work on a Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Accounting.  This, of course, is all in preparation for sitting for the CPA exam.  I have this current semester and then ONE MORE CLASS (auditing) before I'm eligible to sit.

I'm as active in Scouts as I ever have been, but I recently stepped down as Co-Leader so that I can sit a 3 year stint on the Board of Directors for our Council.  Exciting!

Work is still work...a great job for a great company.  It will be 11 years in April.  Crazy.

The "boy" is in school...almost done with his first year.  So far, he's surviving public school.

Eva is doing GREAT in third grade.  She's smart.  For sure.

Vic is almost done with her first year in High School.  She didn't take band like I wanted her to, instead going for Theater Arts...which she LOVES!

Oh, and one of my VERY GOOD friends got married...and I put on a dress and make up...and even had my hair done.  Proof!  This is my, "I can't believe I'm doing this" look.

We're tired of snow.  We're ready for Kings Dominion to open.  We're taking Granpa back to Ohio in July (for the 5th year in a row...ever since 2010 when he had his first heart attack).  And, well...that pretty much sums it up.

So, in a nutshell....my life is work, school, kids, girl scouts....wash, rinse, repeat.

I'm looking forward to getting this CPA license so I can really start doing more of what I love.    In closing, here's proof of snow, in Virginia...in LATE MARCH!

Until next time year!

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